

From the complete beginner to the talented performer, our comprehensive programme of musical education proposes exciting learning for everyone.

Curriculum music is taught as follows:

Lower First – Lower Second Years: Two 35-minute periods per week

Upper Second – Upper Third Years: One 35-minute period per week

Lower First and Upper First pupils focus very much upon learning through enjoyment and developing a confident and accurate singing voice, as well as an appreciation of some musical landmarks. Pupils also experience improvising and performing as a class ensemble.

Lower Second pupils develop their singing and listening skills further, as well as making studies of musical instruments and folk songs.

Upper Second and Lower Third pupils follow a musical timeline, with whole terms dedicated to various activities around Medieval, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and 20th/21st Century and Musical Theatre projects. They also begin to engage with music technology – learning how to sequence existing compositions as well as beginning to develop their own.

Upper Third pupils have a series of projects including studies of African Music, Film Music, Musical Theatre and word-setting. They also engage with music technology at a more sophisticated level. They are encouraged to work on their own more lengthy composition projects.

Clubs and Enrichment

Many of our pupils have individual music tuition. Visiting music teachers cover a wide range of instruments. The Music Department runs the School Orchestra, a number of ensembles, a wind band and three choirs.


Playing in an Orff Mallet Ensemble
Playing Virtual Instruments with iPads
Brass taster session
Trying out the baritone horn
Composing a Wild West Hoedown
Preparing A Class Recital